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All New Insta-Ads!

by Naomi Young | 24.08.2015
Tug is now able to advertise on Instagram! As the development uses the existing Facebook Business Manager to create, target, monitor and measure campaigns, it means that it is easier for small and large businesses to buy ads on the platform. So for us at Tug, this creates exciting opportunities to advertise our clients in a new way, on Instagram.

This expanded offering allows action-oriented formats and is currently limited to two objectives: click to website and mobile app installs. The ads will have a specific call to action button linking offsite.




Instagram have worked with Facebook to enable more targeting capabilities. This means that advertisers can reach people not only demographically or by location, but through their interests and actions as well. As people use the app by interacting with content they are really interested in, ads can be targeted more effectively so users see messages that reflect the things they care about.

It’s certain that as the service becomes available to all Facebook Ad users later on in the year, we will see Instagram advertising grow with greater accessibility and popularity. For now, we’re excited to use the service and try out these new features!