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Tis the season….

by Eoin | 03.12.2014

……for making sure your YOY analytics are working

Christmas Analytics

Why now?

Annotations, Annotations, Annotations

Google Analytics Annotations

Site structure integrity

Site structure/URL changes from one year to the next can cause chaos with analytics comparison

Google Analytics URL Change

Picking your dates to compare

Large data sets can make whole YOY comparisons hard as the data will sample in GA or just be super slow in other systems

Picking a suitable date range to compare YOY is important

Google Analytics Year On Year

What can you then use this for?

Unlike viewing data month on month or even week on week, if seasonality typically has an impact on your business then ‘Year On Year’ is the only real way of looking at your data and gaining meaningful insights from them. In fact there are very few circumstances where a year on year view on data isn’t going to prove valuable in some way.

By ensuring that you have a robust method for comparing your data year on year, it will provide an essential input into decisions around content, acquisition channels, conversion rates and almost all aspects of how you currently look at your data.

Things to look for might include:

These may all sound like obvious things to look for, but without making sure you have robust capability to measure this year on year, then you may be missing some really obvious gaps in your sites performance.

There is nothing worse than attempting year on year analysis and then discovering that you are simply not set up to do this. So now would be an ideal time to enter 2015 with a clean reporting benchmark.

Feel free to speak to us and find out how our Data and Insights team can help you to make the most out of your data.