Tug Life Series: The revolution of AI tools
How can they give you a competitive edge?
This Wednesday, we hosted a panel discussion on The Revolution of AI Tools as part of our Tug Life Series. The event took place in our London office, and brought together marketers from across the city and further afield – all keen to learn more about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to harness it within the industry.
Senior Reporter for The Drum, Hannah Bowler, played host, inspiring discussions between Kelsey Bowers (Strategic Agency Manager at Google), Julian Sneeuwjagt (Enterprise Sales Director at Adform) and our very own Eoin O’Neill (CTO at Tug).
AI has had some game-changing advancements in the last year – particularly around democratising its use. Today, you’d struggle finding a marketer who hasn’t been intrigued by the capabilities of ChatGPT and similar tools. With this in mind, how do you make the most of this new and exciting tech?
The panel offered up expert opinions on this question and more, bringing some truly fascinating insights to the conversation.
The panel touched on areas of AI that have brought about the recent AI buzz, and how marketers can use this tech in their own work and for their clients. Of course, generative AI was the first to be explored, which has started improving efficiencies for a huge range of tasks – from creating code at scale to developing creative ad material. Throughout the discussion, we also got an insight into the wealth of other AI technologies and tools the panel are using in their marketing strategies. For example, Eoin talked about our suite of Tug Tools, and how the agency uses these to analyse audiences, inform user intent and ultimately drive performance for our clients.
The conversation then shifted to the main challenges individuals are facing while implementing AI into their strategies. Fears around privacy and making jobs redundant were addressed – the general consensus being that these new tools aren’t necessarily here to steal people’s jobs, but rather enhance them. The panelists echoed the sentiment that AI presents an exciting opportunity, but that it’s important to partner with the right people to leverage AI effectively. Julian commented:
“There’s the opportunity AI presents, but there’s also the risk. The most sensible thing marketers can do is figure out who the best partners and experts are to work with. Having a partner you can trust in this space is critical.”
The talk offered valuable insight into the booming sector of AI, and how digital marketers can harness its power to beat the competition. This was part of a series of talks currently ongoing at Tug Agency. Watch this space for more details on our upcoming events.
The Speakers