Why Go-To Market Success Depends on Early SEO Action
Brand new products or services might not fuel high traffic volumes straightaway, but that doesn’t mean search engine optimisation (SEO) should be left out of go-to-market strategies. In fact, building in SEO from the initial launch stage is essential if companies want to reap the long term rewards it brings – particularly high visibility, user interest, and visitor numbers.
Most marketers are aware of these benefits and are keen to capitalise on them. Despite last year’s budget disruption, Gartner research found that SEO still ranked in the top five key spending areas for global CMOs, while over two thirds (69%) planned to increase investment in 2021. But many forget that SEO is a long-term game, with organic searches taking time to develop.
In other words: the sooner work commences, the faster the results will roll in. Instead of waiting until new products are well established and generating larger search volumes, SEO efforts should be active from the get-go. This lesson is more important than ever, considering that 50% of CMOs aim to enhance company performance by unveiling fresh offerings in existing or new markets this year.
With future success dependent on early action, a firm grasp of how to use SEO efficiently to target audiences at every stage of the marketing funnel — including the considering, curious and unaware — is paramount.