Google’s Mobile-First Index: Everybody Ready?
by Eoin | 12.07.2017
The latest Google update is nearly upon us – the migration of its entire index to a mobile-first version. If you’re in the SEO industry, you’ve been preparing for this since it was first announced in October 2016. But what about brands and publishers? Is your site ready to survive to this major shift?
Chances are, you’re not: only 40% of prominent sites are responsive, meaning many will take a serious hit once this update begins to roll out. Before the panic sets in, it’s important to adopt Google’s recommended guidelines to ensure your site rank isn’t penalised.
In this report, our SEO experts examine the new index in detail, and lay out the steps brands and publishers need to take prior to migration. Download this whitepaper to make sure your site’s ready (we’d recommend not waiting: the migration could begin at any time…).