Happy Social Media Day!
There are events taking place all over the world: agencies, brands, industry leaders and more are coming together to talk around social media issues. For example, from a quick browse of the global event hashtag #SMDay2016 on Twitter, I’m able to tune into a live Facebook stream from Ahmedabad about digital video in India, I can catch tweets from the Philippines about social star Sebastian Castro’s talk about how YouTube changed his life and I’m able to follow threads from all around the world (kind of speaks about the power of social for itself, doesn’t it?)
Interested in getting in on the action? Follow the hashtag #SMDay2016 on Twitter and Facebook, check out the events going on around the world and share your own story: how has social media made a personal impact on who you are?
And make a note in your diaries: Social Media Week, a worldwide event focussed on sharing media insights around social media’s influence in business, culture and society, is happening 12-16 September 2016. For those of you in London, events will happen at BFI Southbank and it will feature speakers from big names like National Geographic, Buzzfeed, Forbes and more. To learn more about the event and how you can get involved, click here.
Until then, a happy #SMDay to you all!