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SEO & PR Workshop for Small Businesses and Bloggers

by Alyssa James | 29.07.2014
SEO and PR for Bloggers Event, London SEO event, Tug Agency


Following the success of our last blogger event, we’ve decided to bring it back this summer and take it up a notch!

Do you have a website or blog and keep hearing about search engine optimisation (SEO) but not really sure how to do it? Are you getting e-mails from agencies “on behalf” of clients and not really sure how to work with them? Perhaps you’re a small business with a limited budget for advertising and you want to know how to leverage digital marketing?

If so, come along to Tug Agency’s 2 hour workshop on SEO and PR – specifically for bloggers and small business owners! You can register here.

This time, we are offering a 10-15 minute individualised best practices review for 16 blogs or websites. Expert SEOs will review your website and give you pointers on how you can improve its technical aspects.


6:30pm – Welcome, refreshments. Technical review workshops begin.

6:45pm – Presentations (15-20 minutes each)


1) How to Make Brands Work for You – Ian, SEO Account Manager

2) Creating Newsworthy Content – Alyssa, SEO Content Executive (@aaljames)

3) Simple Digital Marketing for your Small Business – Carlo, SEO Outreach Specialist (@carlopandian)

To register for the technical website review workshop, please email with the URL of your site, specific concerns you have (if any), and top 2 preferred time slots, using the subject line ‘Technical Review Workshop’. First come, first serve.

Select your times:
