SEO & PR Workshop for Small Businesses and Bloggers
Following the success of our last blogger event, we’ve decided to bring it back this summer and take it up a notch!
Do you have a website or blog and keep hearing about search engine optimisation (SEO) but not really sure how to do it? Are you getting e-mails from agencies “on behalf” of clients and not really sure how to work with them? Perhaps you’re a small business with a limited budget for advertising and you want to know how to leverage digital marketing?
If so, come along to Tug Agency’s 2 hour workshop on SEO and PR – specifically for bloggers and small business owners! You can register here.
This time, we are offering a 10-15 minute individualised best practices review for 16 blogs or websites. Expert SEOs will review your website and give you pointers on how you can improve its technical aspects.
6:30pm – Welcome, refreshments. Technical review workshops begin.
6:45pm – Presentations (15-20 minutes each)
1) How to Make Brands Work for You – Ian, SEO Account Manager
2) Creating Newsworthy Content – Alyssa, SEO Content Executive (@aaljames)
3) Simple Digital Marketing for your Small Business – Carlo, SEO Outreach Specialist (@carlopandian)
To register for the technical website review workshop, please email with the URL of your site, specific concerns you have (if any), and top 2 preferred time slots, using the subject line ‘Technical Review Workshop’. First come, first serve.
Select your times: