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50 Reasons Why Twitter Has Made Your Life Better

by Carlo Pandian | 21.03.2014

Happy Birthday Twitter!

It was 2011 when Tania, a social media entrepreneur from Brazil, introduced me to this great tool. Not everybody knew about it, but thanks to TV, magazines, coffee shops and celebrities, this social medium has become popular.

To mark this anniversary, here’s a list of 50 Reasons why I love Twitter and why, in a world where e-mails are too long and calls are annoying, you may want to consider using it at work and for fun:


  1. Simplicity
  2. It’s made of 5 tabs only: home, notifications, hashtags, me and private messages
  3. It’s real time communication
  4. It’s only 140 characters so I’ll get to the point when I message you
  5. It’s public so I can contact (aka mention) you even if I don’t know you, stranger
  6. If you are interested in my tweet you can reply
  7. It’s pure networking in our fast pace world
  8. You can reach out journalists, bloggers, marketing managers and even celebrities
  9. It’s up to your tweet style and your message to attract attention. You control the medium
  10. It’s something that reminds me of old computer programs like Amiga and Atari (I am nostalgic)
  11. You can use other people/brand influencer power to boost your followers and gain influence
  12. It’s a rat race on who has more followers
  13. It’s a place to spread your ideas
  14. It’s a place where bad ideas have a short life and good ideas get retweeed
  15. It’s a place where you can create activist movements or satirise politicians. Even the pope is there! (but what he’s doing there, nobody knows)
  16. It’s a tool where you can help others and others may help too
  17. If you look at an area hashtag you can have a real time feeling of what’s going on (or perhaps some people are just talking rubbish about it)
  18. You can discover places you wouldn’t see advertised on TimeOut thanks to hashtags
  19. It’s a place where you can credit of what you have done (Tweet This : 50 Reasons Why Twitter Has Made Your Life Better by @carlopandian )
  20. It’s a place where ideas are organised by hashtags
  21. Hashtags are learning resources. They remind me of my university library corridors, though much more noisy and dynamic
  22. Hashtags help you spread your message outside your community (that’s why Facebook adopted these)
  23. You can promote the things you created or you believe in
  24. You can know meet new, like-minded people if you want
  25. You can get travel information from a local person
  26. You can get traffic information
  27. You can complain to a brand that hasn’t been nice to you
  28. You can see how good brands value customers
  29. You can see where people are located so you can use it as a conversation starting point
  30. It helped people during disasters like in Fukishima, Phillippines or in area involved in the Sandy Hurrucans
  31. It helped coordinate people
  32. It’s a place where you can find out about news before the media outlets tell you. Who would you trust more?
  33. It provides thousands of jobs for example social media and community managers
  34. It’s kind of open source and you can build apps on top of it
  35. Everyone can create a buzz, if you have the right message and skills
  36. It can help you find clients from the information included in the Twitter bios
  37. You can stalk people before an interview or approaching them (definitely more easily than on Facebook now!)
  38. You can discover new hobbies
  39. You can build a community of likeminded people
  40. It can be use as a fundraising tool
  41. You can get freebies with Twitter exclusive deals and vouchers
  42. You can use it creatively to promote un-cool products or to look cool
  43. You can have your questions answered during live Q&A from experts
  44. Smaller brands can easily access to this platform, promote their products and build a customer community
  45. Twitter advertising can be cheaper than FB adverts
  46. You can use it as a customer service tool
  47. It’s a CRM tool if you start building Twitter lists
  48. It’s a personal branding tool doesn’t don’t give too much away like LinkedIn
  49. You can find when Albion Caf and shop has just baked some bread by following them
  50. It’s free