JonJon’s Image Outreach Prospect
Instead, I found a much more exciting way for prospecting your targeted sites. For a change, try my way…your eyesight may even get better.
1) Enter your targeted keyword as a normal Google search query…
2) Select Images on the Google bar and Hey Presto, your prospects are everywhere…
3) Select a desired image and then close the image box…
4) Now you have your desired prospect, now you can contact them (…and hopefully pray with your 10 second effort that they will post it *wink* )
Using Google Image Search as your linking prospects is a much more fun way of working. You get much more, from a bunch of keyword texts and blue underlines to a much more Colorful Screen whilst hunting down your prospects. As they say looking at the color green is good for your eyes! If your eyesight has become significantly better…don’t hesitate to reward me!
” The color green relaxes your eyes because it promotes a relaxed feeling in the eyes’, it even increases the spectrum of the eye distance! “
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