Social Media Optimization: Ease of Access
by Chris Mead | 13.11.2012
One common mistake I see brands making when managing their Social channels is that they, at times, make it difficult for the user they’re trying to reach. Difficulty here is defined by the ease of access to information or products that often require “digging” on the user’s part (that’s if they actually wanted to reach the advertised content). Here are a few examples of dos and don’ts:
- If you’re looking to advertise your website on your Facebook page, then make it easy on yourself and the potential viewer by placing it in the forefront (specifically, in the About section).
- Positioning: it has been psychologically proven that users read pages beginning from the left to right. Don’t rely on human curiosity alone, if you want to advertise Twitter on your Facebook page then install the app and move its position up to the frontal bar. Position all your apps based on your priority (see image).
- If you’re finding content on Facebook for example is placing on the right and it’s of valued importance to you, then Highlight the post (so it will shift left and take up the mid section) for as long as needed.
- Clicks: if the user has to click more than twice from your social post to reach its content goal then reconsider the overall design structure.
- Use quality images that express your message as clearly as possible. Ensure these then link back to the page you want users to reach. Pin these images directly from your website on Pinterest to generate traffic.
- Re-post the same content or links in multiple areas too frequently. While ease of access is achieved the user’s perception of your intentions are skewed as a consequence.
- Post mismatching content. You don’t want to advertise a special deal that users then can’t find on your website – ensure your website is optimized and easy to use.
It is my belief that businesses in some cases misconstrue the meaning of quality content. It’s important to realise that quality in this sense is also defined by simplicity and ease of access on the consumer’s part.
All of this may seem like common sense but the psychology behind ease of access and user ability should filter through all your thinking when producing content. An attention to detail can make the difference when planning and executing online social media campaigns. Don’t take it for granted!