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How to Organise a Competition in your Blog

by Carlo Pandian | 09.03.2012
While E-commerce websites want conversions, bloggers are looking to increase their visitors. These can be one-off (they may have just landed to your blog from Google, Twitter or referrals) or returning visitors.

Organising a competition can help you retain your new visitors and drive more traffic. Nowadays many companies give away products to bloggers so you would be able to get some goodies for free, here are some steps to kick out your first one:

1) Check for bloggers that are hosting competitions

You need to look for companies that have previously ran competitions. Perform a query in Google such as [“competition” beauty] or [“win” tickets] and you will find many bloggers being involved. Feel free to add other search operators such as  [ inurl: ] (ex. inurl:blogsport, inurl:blog, or [ intitle: ] that search in the pages’titles. Moreover you could have a look at competition websites like or

2) Get in touch with PR and marketing agencies

Ask the bloggers you have found to provide you with contacts of marketing and PR agencies that are promoting competitions and ask them to collaborate.

3) Write a competition blog post

Usually you will have to follow the guidelines provided to write copy that respects your giveaway branding guidelines. To select a winner and obtain data from your participants, use Rafflecopter, a widget that doesn’t require any coding skills. You have just to sign up in their website and follow the simple steps. At the end they will provide you with a code to copy and paste into the post.

Competition Widget
























4) Use the social networks
Promote the competition on Twitter and Facebook. In particular use hash tags such as #competition #giveaway and #free on Twitter and publish a status update on Facebook.

Ask your close friends to share your messages in order to amplify the reach.

How do you organise competitions? Share your tips and trick with other bloggers in the comments!