TFM&A 2012
After a bit of queuing I managed to get into a few seminars/key notes. In the final seminar of the day I was introduced to what is apparently the Search Slogan for 2012 ‘Social, Local, Mobile’. More commonly known as SoLoMo. So for 2012 it is all about these three factors.
Social: We all know this is big for 2012 and everyone is talking about it. Why it’s big in terms of search is due to the way in which Google is now using it as a huge ranking factor. G+, shares, likes and tweets are now all measured by Google and it’s algorithms and sites cannot ignore the impact Social Media can have on a campaign
Local: Google has announced some updates in the last few days. A big one was regarding searches for local content and targeting small businesses. So Google has developed ‘Adwords Express’ – the online advertising tool for company’s who do not have websites. Google’s aim is to effectively eat the yellow pages and put it online.
Mobile: Mobile was a big topic at TFM&A this year. Mobile is making the world an easier place for everyone, was the message I was being sold. I have to agree, it is an area which is growing at a phenomenal pace and people are starting to take notice! There are 400+ million users of Facebook mobile and for this reason Facebook has introduced mobile advertising – a huge opportunity.
SoLoMo – the acronym to follow in the digital world this year.