5 quick wins link building steps for your personal website
These are 5 quick wins link building techniques to uplift your personal website that you want to show online.
First of all, decide which one you want to build links for (an example: about.me/johnmccain) and create these 5 accounts:
1) Twitter
you must include in the profiles settings a small description and your personal website url. Remember to tweet when you upload new information with a link to it. If you want to be shown near a particular term, for example your profession, include related hash tags and keywords.
2) LinkedIn
There’s a section in the profile where you are allowed to publish three sites. Select the option “Other”, write your full name as the anchor text pointing to your target.
3) Facebook
Select “edit my profile”, then “contact information”. There’s a section where you can insert your link.
4) WhoHub.com
It is a platform to release interviews about your interests or profession and allows you to add do-follow links (include just one). This is a great new resource because you can stuff a page with keywords that are connected to your profession.
5) Google+
In the section “other profiles” type your personal website first and then your other profiles below.
If you think you need more to reach a reasonable ranking, you can participate in bloggers’ conversations. In fact you can leave comments on posts using your full name as anchor text and your personal site. If you want to reach a better visibility you can write an article and sign them. You can find opportunities in your niche through looking at My Blog Guest forum.
These are all simple and easy techniques, however they can only get you so far, for example if you are called James Dean or Michael Smith, you will need to spend much more time and money to reach top positions.