TOP 3 tech CEOs to Watch – Who is going to succeed Steve Jobs?
He definitely made possible the integration of different devices such as a music player, laptop, smart phone, and DVD player appealing to customers with a cool design and contemporary values.
Who is going to succeed Steve Jobs in the tech world? Which CEOs are going to inspire you with great innovations able to change people lives?
You would be wise to follow these four famous ones to get inspired and understand the future developments of digital:
– Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
Despite his bad character as the movie depicts, he is pushing the social networking further as the last Facebook F8 update demonstrated. He has built a multi-national company around the social platform and he is always developing to increase revenues and to retain customers.
– Jeff Bezos, Amazon
With him, the online bookstore has been able to expand into new markets especially electronics and computers. He introduced the Kindle with great ecommerce techniques and effective marketing strategies.
– Larry Page, Google
He replaces Schmidt as CEO of Google since April 2011. Its company has been able to develop great products that are meeting customers’ expectations while fulfilling market demands. Its great research and development department called Google Lab is able to work on new ideas and spot-and-buy new interesting start-ups. If Facebook is really trying to penetrate into the search market next year how can they think to beat Google?