Travel consumers say a big no thanks to Facebook ‘like’ buttons
by Faye Daffarn | 18.08.2011
We all know that social media can work really well for travel sites. I never book anywhere without looking at reviews on Tripadvisor, and I always look at videos of hotels and hotels rooms if provided or linked to a YouTube channel. So I was surprised when this report from Usabilla showed that travel consumers have strong disliking to Facebook ‘like’ buttons finding them pushy with no benefit to the user.
The study took 800 participants through 18 travel websites (Hyatt, Hilton, Expedia and British Airways to name a few) and asked for feedback on simple tasks. Some really interesting findings such as what makes a visitors trust a hotel website (48% citing logo and brand awareness being the most important factor). Not surprisingly a blog written by Bill Marriott adds a personal touch to Marriott’s hotel trust worthiness score.
Read the full User Experience in the Travel Sector study