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In February you’ll be able to download Firefox 4

by Tug Agency | 26.01.2011
Firefox - Logo - SmallThe new Mozilla browser, Firefox 4, could be available for download in its final version in just a few days given its advanced development. The update features hardware acceleration, among other improvements, which has led to many problems dalaying its launch.

Firefox 4 is one of the most anticipated updates from web browsers. For the many users who routinely use the browser from the Mozilla Foundation it is an important step after the main competitors: Internet Explorer and Google Chrome have already released their latest versions.

The possibility of downloading Firefox 4 in its final version could be a reality within a few days. February is the set date according to PCWorld, who tell us that the browser is “almost ready for launch”. Mozilla’s Damon Sicor has called for everybody to install the beta version of the browser to speed the release of its final version.