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More children know how to play with a smartphone than how tie their shoelaces

by Tug Agency | 20.01.2011
A study conducted among more than 2,000 children, ages 2 to 5 years from 10 countries proves that they have more knowledge of technology and Internet than how to ride a bike, swim or tie their shoelaces. 19% of them can use a smartphone application, but only 9% know how to tie their shoelaces.

The study was conducted by security company AVG. Which conducts a series of investigations that seek to determine the relationship of kids with technology and how it evolves over time.

There are more children who can interact with a computer game (58%) than those who know who to cycle. The difference with other activities that they learn when they are kids as it is swimming, is compared with the ability to open an internet browser. 25% of them can browse the internet only 20% can swim.