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Google Places with tags

by Tug Agency | 13.08.2010
Google Places (formerly known as Local Business Center) has added a new feature called “Tags”.

Tags are yellow markers that allow business owners to promote important aspects of their businesses.  According to Google: “Tags do not affect the rank of search results; they simply add more information when a particular user is searching”

For just $25 per month, businesses in selected cities can make their listings stand out on and Google Maps with “Tags”

Hmmm what is Google trying now…?  Check it out

The below snapshot gives us an idea how the tag is going to be presented on the local map listing. The below is an example of a local listing in Atlanta, USA.  The 3 snapshots are the different locations in the searches where they appear. This enhanced visibility is great but in time more advertisers using it may make the visibility diluted.  The additional info could be events, promotions, offers etc. What do you think ?