A little update on Remarketing
by David Brooks | 09.07.2010
I was actually quite impressed by the idea of re-marketing when i first heard of the idea but despite noticing (granted, i was keeping my eyes peeled) a few little persuasive ads followign me around on my daily internet journeys, there doesnt appear to have been a huge interest in the idea.
Just a quick reminder, Remarketing gives us a the opportunity to present a consumer who has visited our site but failed to convert with another ad, maybe with an offer they might be interested in, or with a deal they may be unaware of, using the content network.
Perhaps this method of advertising is deemed to be a bit too invasive on our privacy rights or maybe risky as a relatively new option. Either way, i hope to see it more of it in the future.
Related Links : http://searchenginewatch.com/3640914