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Google’s Future Display Advertising Plans

by David Brooks | 07.07.2010
GoogleAdvertising Age report that Google are to begin adding more Display banners onto it’s properties such as YouTube, Finance and News. They have also said that Google are to add banners onto Google Mail. See below for a quote from the Advertising Age article:

“For a company that has made a big business of indexing third-party websites, a substantial part of Google’s display success hinges on its ability to milk YouTube and its other owned and operated properties such as Gmail and Google Finance.

In fact, those areas were two of the three big priorities outlined by VP Neal Mohan at a press briefing last week where a parade of Google executives described the company’s plans to expand its ad business beyond search keywords.

“Display is truly at a tipping point,” Mr. Mohan said. “We think it can be substantially larger than the $20 billion it is today, whether [it’s] $40 billion, $60 billion, or $80 billion, but there are a lot of challenges that remain….”

Read the rest here.