Google does Social Search
Results are taken from their friends’ social network profiles if users have added the relevant networks to their iGoogle profile.
However, content hidden behind privacy walls – such as on Facebook – won’t be served.
The launch comes a week after Google agreed a deal with Twitter to allow it to provide real-time search results.
Maureen Heymans, Google technical lead, and Murali Viswanathan, Google product manager, wrote on the official Google Blog: “The way we do it is by building a social circle of your friends and contacts using the connections linked from your public Google profile, such as the people you’re following on Twitter or FriendFeed.
“The results are specific to you, so you need to be signed in to your Google Account to use Social Search. If you use Gmail, we’ll also include your chat buddies and contacts in your friends’, family’s and coworkers’ groups. And if you use Google Reader, we’ll include some websites from your subscriptions as part of your social search results.â€
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