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Yodel with Yahoo Yodel Studio

by David Brooks | 13.10.2009
Yahoo have launched their new Yodel Studio, where users can visit and record themselves yodelling away! Yahoo will also give money to charities for each yodel submitted. Presumably this is all part of Yahoo’s It’s Y!ou Campaign. See below for a quote from the Yahoo Blog:

While yodeling originated in the Swiss and Austrian Alps as a way to communicate between mountain peaks, many of you associate the yodel with Yahoo! – or, should I say Ya – HOOOOO! It is, after all, one of our most beloved and recognized assets.

Today, we’re giving the Yahoo! yodel back to the people with the launch of Yodel Studio, a global casting call for the world’s best yodels. Yodelers who take us up on this challenge will personalize and reinterpret our yodel, competing for a chance to be featured in Yahoo!’s new global advertising campaign and on one of the world’s largest stages: the Yahoo! homepage. Your yodel will also be heard through the donation Yahoo! will make to local and global charities of your choice for each yodel submitted (up to $130,000).

Read the rest here, or record your Yodel here!