Google Introduce 3D Design Software, SketchUp
 “We’re very excited to announce the new release of Google SketchUp 7. If you don’t already know about the fun you can have with SketchUp, here’s a quick recap:
SketchUp is software you can use to build 3D models of anything: your house, killer robots, furniture, trees, abstract art — anything. Architects and engineers use it to design buildings and other structures. Woodworkers use it to plan their projects. And lots of people use it to figure out where to put their furniture. SketchUp is easy to learn, it comes in free and Pro versions, and it’s more fun than a houseful of clowns. Oh, and you can use it to build models for Google Earth, too…”
The Official Google Blog post can be found here. You can also download SketchUp now here.