MySpace Ads Booming!
by David Brooks | 07.11.2008 recently launched a new Ad Platform called MySpace MyAds, similar to that of Facebook’s but they only allow the use of skyscrapers and banners. Like Facebook, they allow you to target your ads very specificly. Techcrunch have posted an article about theyre inital earnings, in the article they talk about how MyAds is already atleast a $50 million/year business for MySpace. Very impressive to say the least…see a quote below from the TechCrunh article:
 “MySpace’s self service display ad product, called MyAds, officially launched on October 12, less than a month ago. Advertisers can bypass the normal sales routine, use a Flash tool to create their own display ads, and run them on a cost-per-click basis. The minimum CPC rate is $0.25.
Demand for the product was immediate and significant, we’ve heard from multiple sources close to the company. Average daily revenue, say our sources, is $140,000 – $180,000, which means MyAds is at least a $50 million/year business for MySpace already….”
Read the rest here.