Do you Twitter?
Twitter is a new website in which you create a large network of friends and update them on your status, for example “i’m eating a sandwich.” Twitter will then track what you’ve entered and keep a history of activities. Below is a snippet from the Search Engine Watch blog post:
“It’s all the rage lately — and with good reason. Twitter offers the ability to connect with a ton of people you normally wouldn’t have access to. I’ll give you a real life example.
The other day, a popular blogger I follow on Twitter sent a “Tweet” calling for “top 10” or “list” type articles. I had written my “30 Free Ways to Market Your Small Business Site” so I sent the link back to him via Twitter. It took me less than a minute, and my article was chosen for inclusion in his daily “link finds.” The traffic and link from that one interaction alone was worth the time I spend there, purely from a branding and “getting my name out there” standpoint.”
Read the rest Here.