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Adwords Editor – New Google Webinar

by David Brooks | 17.03.2008

Google AdWords Logo

Adwords editor is a programme that comes with google adwords free of charge which allows you to make changes to your account offline. Its a very helpfull programme for when you have multiple changes and will save you allot of time as opposed to using the client center. On March 20th at 11-12pm PDT, Mollie Klurfeld, an AdWords Editor specialist, will be presenting a free “Introduction to AdWords Editor” webinar. The agenda includes demonstrations on how to use the programme to make the following bulk changes:

  • Adding campaigns, ad groups, ad text, and keywords
  • Editing ad texts and keywords
  • Copying/moving ad groups and keywords
  • Find/replace ad text, find duplicate keywords
  • Advanced bid and URL changes

To find out more about the Adwords Editor Seminar go to: