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Instagram ads just a couple months away

by James Jarrett | 10.10.2013

I’m sure Instagram users have been waiting for the roll out of advertising ever since they announced a change to their terms late last year to suggest that Instagram would own rights to all photos posted (which they then retracted after a massive customer backlash). In fact, I’m sure most people have been waiting for some sort of advertising service ever since Facebook bought Instagram, after all they didn’t spend $1 billion for nothing.

Well Instagram have now made public their new advertising plans:

  • Ads will begin with a limited number of advertising agencies in the U.S only
  • You may only see an “occasional ad in your Instagram feed”
  • Ads will be “beautiful, high-quality photos and videos”, with the aim of making the ads look as natural as possible
  • If you see an ad you don’t like, you can hide it and give feedback

Instagram say ads will only be rolled out exclusively in the U.S for the next couple of months, after which it will likely be available in the U.K and other countries. Ads will most likely look similar to a Page Post Ad on Facebook (large photo, with text etc.)


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