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by David Brooks | 09.03.2011
I was lucky enough to visit this year’s SES Conference in London and despite being spoilt for choice I decided I would pay a trip to the Remarketing session. James Yancey, Guy Levine, and Magnus Nilsson were the expert speakers and the talks ranged from general AdWords setup and the basics behind remarketing to a more detailed assessment of it as a useful asset when using the content network.

For anyone who isn’t familiar with remarketing, allow me to enlighten you; Remarketing allows you to target people who have visited your website but didn’t convert. We can Re-advertise to these people with a different message on the content network and try to bring them back to the website in question and encourage them to convert. According to Google research, 97% of new site visitors don’t convert on the first visit, therefore, remarketing is useful because we can target with a message tailored specifically to how they behaved on the site.

I myself am a fan of remarketing, I think it should at least be tested, however, it has developed a reputation as being a little bit irritating !! Why? I hear you ask? Well, if you can imagine you have just visited a site and just have a general peruse around, maybe click on a pair of shoes to have a closer look. You then decide you don’t really like them and as you know there are only butterflies in your purse, you decide to leave the site and get back to work.

Anyway, over the next few days you notice this sneaky little pair of shoes pop up now and again  throughout the day as you drift around the internet. A little odd, you might think, but just a coincidence. Soon enough though, the shoes won’t leave you alone, the shoes are everywhere you look, you have your own personal shoe stalkers. Crikey, you curse the day you saw the shoes.

There are caps which can be set to limit the amount of exposure your remarketed ads receives. As a victim of remarketing stalking, I would definitely advise the use of these caps. Less is often more in remarketing.

As i mentioned before, I’m  a fan of remarketing, it think it’s exciting to be able to analyse a consumers behaviour and subsequently tailor a campaign to suit them. Say for example, we have a general fashion site. We can tag a number of pages and then people who visit a certain area of the site but don’t go elsewhere, we can target those people only with a message to reflect deals, offers, keywords based on the pages they visit.

A lot of companies may choose to tag their homepage but it may be more valuable to identify only those people who visit the site, spend some time looking around, almost make a purchase and decide not to at the checkout. Surely all these people need is a little encouragement, so sent them a little persuasion through remarketing.

Something to keep in mind, be cautious when dealing with certain products. Guy Levine told of his frustration when, after spending time researching suits online, bought in a shop so he could try on his new attire, was then met with money off, discounts and promises off price cuts all over the content network. How infuriating after making a purchase.

That’s enough from me at the moment but I will be back later to continue my little natter!