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Google Release ‘What’s Popular’ iGoogle Gadget

by David Brooks | 28.04.2009
Google GeneralGoogle have launched a new iGoogle Gadget which allows users to vote on stories posted by fellow Googlers. This is very similar to Digg, but it is only available as a iGoogle Gadget and not as a stand alone website, although it is highly likely that it will soon be a stand alone website. Bigmouthmedia reported on the story, below is a small quote from the article:

“Search engine giant, Google, apparently digs Digg.

Or so it would seem, with the launch of a new iGoogle gadget which allows users to ‘pop’ stories found in Google News and across the World Wide Web to be voted on by other users of the app. Users of the widget can read and vote on ‘All Popular’ stories, which are ranked according to Google itself; ‘My Pops’ which are items that other users of the widget have voted on and ‘My Adds’ which are items submitted by the user…”

Read the full article here. You can also add What’s Popular to your iGoogle here.